Fiebre reumática: Una enfermedad temprana

Rheumatic fever: an early disease


  • Cleber Luiz Santana Bastos Junior Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Central del Paraguay



Fiebre Reumática, Diagnóstico, Tratamiento


This study aims to describe a report on the clinical diagnosis of a young man with post- pharyngotonsillitis rheumatic disease. Object selection was based on the follow-up of the 16- year-old patient, performed by Dr. Luis Quintana, doctor at Clínica I, during the year 2022, and a medical student at the Central University of Paraguay, in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero. Data collection was processed through the analysis of laboratory tests, images, electrocardiogram and anamnesis that were performed at Clinic I and at home. The results and discussions gave rise to the theme.

Keywords: youth, rheumatic disease, diagnosis


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How to Cite

Santana Bastos Junior, C. L. (2023). Fiebre reumática: Una enfermedad temprana: Rheumatic fever: an early disease. Revista MEDUCP, 3(5), 83–89.