Review of the literature on the influence and pathogenicity of Gardnerella vaginalis in women with bacterial vaginosis

Review of the literature on the influence and pathogenicity of Gardnerella vaginalis in women with bacterial vaginosis




Microbiota vaginal, Gardnerella vaginalis, Infección bacteriana, Lactobacillus


The vaginal microbiota, also known as bacterial flora, is a dynamic ecosystem that undergoes changes throughout the different stages of a woman's life. In a healthy vagina, a diversity of microorganisms coexist, the presence of Lactobacillus sp. being especially important, which produces several essential antimicrobial components to control the incidence of other biological agents in this ecosystem. However, due to certain alterations in the female genital region, bacterial vaginosis (BV) has become one of the most frequent infections worldwide, being caused mainly by the Gardnerella vaginalis bacterium. This bacterium stands out for having advanced tools to cause dysbiosis and alterations that affect female health in a general context. Although the causes and specific origin of BV are still unknown, some treatment alternatives have been identified that show positive results in controlling cases of vaginosis caused by Gardnerella sp. In this review, the main characteristics and causes of G. vaginalis infection are highlighted, possible strategies and treatments are explored for the control of this condition present throughout the world that affects the majority of women, regardless of their ethnicity. It is highlighted that the lifestyle and habits, whether sexual or in general, aimed at hygiene and female health, are the main aggravating factors for BV. Taking into account that the causes and specific origin of BV are still unknown, this review aims to highlight the main characteristics and causes of G. vaginalis infection versus behavior in the healthy vaginal environment and to explore possible strategies and treatments for BV control of this condition that is present throughout the world and that affects the majority of women regardless of their ethnicity and whose main aggravating factor is the lifestyle and habits, whether sexual or in general, aimed at feminine hygiene and health. some studies provide some treatment alternatives that show positive results in the control of cases of vaginosis that have Gardnerella as an etiological agent. Taking into account that the causes and specific origin of BV are still unknown, this review aims to highlight the main characteristics and causes of G. vaginalis infection versus behavior in the healthy vaginal environment and to explore possible strategies and treatments for BV. control of this condition that is present throughout the world and that affects the majority of women regardless of their ethnicity and whose main aggravating factor is the lifestyle and habits, whether sexual or in general, aimed at hygiene and health female.


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How to Cite

Felitto Laursen, L., & Fabian Meireles Duarte, G. . (2023). Review of the literature on the influence and pathogenicity of Gardnerella vaginalis in women with bacterial vaginosis: Review of the literature on the influence and pathogenicity of Gardnerella vaginalis in women with bacterial vaginosis. Epicentro - Revista De Investigación Ciencias De La Salud, 3(5), 41–46.