Nivel de estrés en un equipo de salud de Urgencia y Emergencia de un hospital en el interior de Brasil




Estrés, Salud del trabajador, Urgencia y Emergencia


The increase in life expectancy and the economic leap of the scientific and medicinal advances of the last generations, on the one hand, ensured great benefits to the population, but, on the other hand, they required an immense dedication to work to increase production capacity, generating large working days, greater competitiveness of the market, precarious structural conditions,  lower work benefits, in addition to a shorter time for social interaction, being able to subject the inserts in this context to a high level of stress. The Emergency and Emergency sector comprises an environment of great stress generation, evidencing the accumulation of several limiting and exhausting conditions for the active professional. Therefore, this research aims to measure the level of perceived stress of medical professionals in the Emergency and Emergency sector of a hospital in the interior of Mato Grosso do Sul and to know their sociodemographic profile. This is an exploratory study, with a descriptive approach, based on the mixed approach methodology, in which 23 doctors participated. For the knowledge of the sociodemographic profile, a questionnaire was also applied in order to track the social profile of the participants. As a research processing instrument, the Perceived Stress Scale (EEP) was used in the full 14-item version. The Terms of Consent, TCLE and TCPE documents were signed before the compilation continued and all participants of the research archive were instructed and invited to answer the questionnaires in a separate room. The analysis of the raw data collected was processed by the Data Software (SPSS) in its version 23.0 and by Excel 2019. The research generates several benefits since it allows, through low resources and with a simple and assertive methodological path, to measure the level of stress of health professionals in the EU, according to their own perception. All of this paves the way for the development of more effective programs to cope with stress and seek more effective self-mechanisms to reduce its damage. No invasive test or biochemical, hormonal or biological marker test will be performed to measure organic stress. The risks of this research revolve around the possible embarrassment the participant may have experienced during data collection. To mitigate these risks, the unit in question was asked to make a specific room where the collection would continue, guaranteeing the legal rights of the participant with respect to their autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and privacy. Thus, a total of 23 professionals were consulted, according to the data collected in the research, it was found that they were mostly women, between 20 and 40 years of age, Catholic, single, without children. They were not direct financial guardians of the house and had a single employment relationship, most with 12-hour shifts and workload between 28 and 40 hours per week, prevailing those with up to 6 years of experience in the area. As for the level of stress, most of them fit into moderate to high stress. In Chi-square there was only one link between stress and training time in the area and experience time. The alpha coefficient was 0.034. Therefore, it is suggested the adoption and commercialization of an organizational system where all members of the nursing team are involved, and their labor awareness exists in order to reduce the level of stress.


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Author Biography

Joilson da Silva Fialho, Centro Universitário Vale do Salgado, Icó, Ceará, Brasil

Enfermero por la UNIVS Icó/BR actuante en Unidades de Urgencias y Emergencias. Miembro de la Liga Académica de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (LUCARDIO) y Académico de Medicina de la Universidad Central del Paraguay - UCP/PY.


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How to Cite

da Silva Fialho, J., & Ferreira da Silva, G. . (2022). Nivel de estrés en un equipo de salud de Urgencia y Emergencia de un hospital en el interior de Brasil. Epicentro - Revista De Investigación Ciencias De La Salud, 2(3), 30–48.